BY DAVIDIAN LYON This Channel includes something called FORMAT ENERGY, which greatly influences one’s entire chart and includes quite a bit of melancholy, as do the other format Gates and Channels. Whatever people with this particular Channel begin, there is often a great pressure (a genetic imperative) to complete. That means it is SO VERY IMPORTANT for you to make sure that you enter into such arrangements, relationships, projects, experiences, etc. correctly, by following your Strategy & Authority.
The consequence for not doing so, is being stuck in something until it naturally concludes (which could mean you are unhappy and FRUSTRATED, for a long time, even years)or alternatively, jump out of something prematurely and face the same repetitive pattern later, all over again, in a different experience, relationship, etc. People with this Channel live life in cycles that often repeat, with the capacity or potential to become wise or reach a state of maturation. These people often have a deep affinity for the past, as this Channel brings an ABSTRACT, experiential life force energy. And being cyclical, those with this Channel are often very keen of cycles in general, be they historical, natural/rhythmic cycles, anatomical, or planetary/astrological. Life is a journey of cycles and you are here to be attuned to these cycles and recognize when a cycle has begun or ended and act accordingly, as well as appreciate all of the waning and waxing periods in between. If you’re interested in learning more about this and about your Design, in general, and how it affects your life and business, PM us, and we will SHED LIGHT on how you can work with us. It will absolutely change your life!
4/27/2018 1 Comment GATE 61 - THE GATE OF MYSTERYBY DAVIDIAN LYON The 61st Gate , in the Head Center, is the GATE OF MYSTERY and any Gates belonging to the Head Center or the Root Center, for that matter, means that they are pressure Gates.
So the 61st Gate is a mental pressure Gate, focused on the Individual mutative process….the pressure to have an original, mutative thought or concept, and the pressure to know the unknown. There is a tremendous pressure here TO KNOW, which is different from UNDERSTANDING (observing and projecting logical formulas and patterns) or SENSING (based on what you know of the past or have experienced in the past). Knowing is just instant knowing. Like a download, it just appears without that same mental prep work. The name of this Gate is INNER TRUTH and something we know about Individual knowing is that it operates in pulses, meaning that there is no knowing until the knowing occurs, and in the meantime, there is melancholy. It’s like: nothing… nothing… nothing… EUREKA!… nothing… nothing… nothing… EUREKA! The challenge here, is that if one is not operating correctly, by following their Strategy & Authority, this pressure to know the unknown can become the potentially obsessive, crazy-making pursuit of knowing the unknowable, so much so, that one may be so driven to learn esoteric truths that they can not function well in society or in exoteric (everyday external) reality. One can become so trapped or hooked into solving such riddles that they miss seeing the world for what it really is, have difficulty with their feet being in 2 worlds and functioning well in both… often with the difficulty being with the more material 3D reality. Over 70% of the population have this Center Undefined and we know that the NOT-SELF behavior of the Undefined Head Center is to be pre-occupied by thinking about things that do not matter or not necessarily things that are correct for you to think about (beyond simply musings). We also know that an Undefined Center, when in the aura of one with that same Center Defined, absorbs and amplifies those energies, so for those with Gate 61 in an Undefined Head Center (also known as a Dormant 61), there are likely times when suddenly there’s an amplified pressure to know the unknowable and it may become overwhelming with no real or consistent way of dealing with it (like one who has a Defined Head Center can, who may have grown accustomed to this “condition” and has a consistent way of dealing with that pressure). So if you’re one who has Gate 61 in an Undefined Center, this need to know could become this inner conundrum that keeps turning over and over,occupying your thoughts and then, when you are outside the vicinity or radius of that Defining influence, it stops and you may wonder what your obsession was all about and why you were so fixated on knowing that whatever it is. There is peace once more, at least temporarily, from that pressure. Just another dynamic to become more aware of … and another GREAT reason to sleep in your own space, so that you are not up at night spinning your wheels trying to solve the mysteries of the universe (particularly, in this case, if your partner is Defining your Head Center and you have Gate 61). Who has GATE 61 in an Undefined Head Center and what has been your experience? 4/27/2018 0 Comments GATE 48: THE GATE OF DEPTHBY DAVIDIAN LYON If you have this Gate (Gate 48) in the Splenic Center, it is called the Gate of Depth. There may always be a feeling that you “don’t know enough yet” which could keep you from stepping fully into your leadership. People with this Gate know A LOT about MANY things, but feel resistant to share publicly, because they never feel like they know enough and don’t want to feel unprepared and without Gate 16 at the other end (not having the full 48-16 Channel) may fear that don’t have the skills to express that great depth of theirs.
That feeling does not go away, though, regardless of how many attunements or certifications you get, so it’s going to be something you need to work with. Of course it is a good idea to be prepared, but there’s a line between how much preparation is needed versus your never feeling quite ready because of your Gate 48. Who here has GATE 48 (just Gate 48 – without Gate 16 at the other end)? |
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