10/31/2018 0 Comments ARE YOU CURIOUS ABOUT HUMAN DESIGN?BY DAVIDIAN LYON The way in which we view our lives and how our life works has been largely imposed on us by our parents, teachers, communities, culture, advertising, marketing, and television. You are not who you THINK you are. You are SO MUCH more and until you discover your TRUE SELF, you will be operating with faulty hit or miss strategies, and mostly sabotage your own efforts. Enter Human Design knowledge.
Wouldn’t it be incredibly helpful to see your unique inner wiring, your own life’s user’s manual, so you could determine exactly how you were designed to operate to get the best results? Find out what works for you and what doesn’t and remove the guesswork and often frustration from the equation? If you’ve been seeking your true self, this incredible tool will reveal how you, specifically, were DESIGNED. Having this intel about yourself, can majorly increase your LUCK factor and help you get out of your own way! This is a missing piece to the Law Of Attraction (LOA) puzzle and one of the most loving and nourishing ways you can support yourself on your journey of greater self-discovery, helping to facilitate your success. Human Design is an incredible tool to have in your consciousness toolbox. Curious to learn more? Curiouser and curiouser.
10/19/2018 0 Comments NOTHING TO FIXBY DAVIDIAN LYON As far as FIXING goes, there is absolutely nothing to fix in your chart. This is you from birth until death (in this system). The only thing that can change is your AWARENESS and wisdom about how you are wired to operate, which is very different from everyone else.
When conducting your Human Design experiment, you start to see that there’s a big difference between WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE and THE LIFE THAT IS HERE TO BE LIVED (who you were Designed to be). It’s so amazing to get to read your own owner’s manual and learn to see how you were Designed and the mechanics of how you operate and where you are vulnerable, so that you can consciously course-correct, in those moments when you are not operating correctly and figure that out. What starts to happen rather immediately is you become a great deal more gentle and forgiving with yourself. What a relief that there’s nothing to fix! Self-mastery is certainly easier with a blueprint. It’s about the evolution of your awareness and all the ways your mind traps you, pulls on you, and tries to move you / get you to do something… which is usually towards trying to get what you THINK you want or do what you THINK you should do. Just notice it and bring yourself back to the present (for however long you can stay there) and follow your aura mechanics (Strategy & Authority), rinse, repeat. 10/8/2018 0 Comments Coping With Impostor SyndromeBY DAVIDIAN LYON Who here has Impostor Syndrome or has experienced that impostor feeling at one time in their life?
As a refresher, ‘Impostor Syndrome’ is the psychological phenomenon in which an individual doubts their accomplishments and/or has a fairly persistent fear of being exposed as a “fraud” or that there is nothing special about what they are offering, because other people either do something similar or are much more impressive in their delivery. If you’ve experienced this before or have recurring bouts, you recognize that this can be a huge monkey on your back, to the point of being debilitating. I think a lot of people privately battle this one. I’ve certainly experienced it. When I “go there” internally, I try to remember that no one has my exact take on things, my perspective, my life experience, and certainly not my frequency. That last part is particularly important, because with my frequency, I attract people who are on my fractal, and those people may not have been exposed to or will be exposed to what I am saying anywhere else. They are being attracted to me via my frequency and when they hear it from me, they will finally have ears to hear what is being transmitted. Even if they were exposed to the same info elsewhere, countless times before, when I say it, they will meet that info for the first time and if I followed my Strategy & Authority and waited for the right time to share my insight (coupled with other individual aspects of my Design), then it has a real chance of getting in there and making a difference in someone’s life, instead of falling on the same deaf ears who could not hear it earlier during those countless other times they were exposed to similar insights/intel. We all add our frequency to the information we share… a carrier wave, if you will, that will either attract our listener to our intel, annoy them, or they simply won’t hear a single word we say. When I experience Impostor Syndrome, I ask myself if I followed my aura mechanics before sharing and, if so, I remind myself that I am sharing my insight with those who will only hear it from me and/or need to hear what I’m saying at that moment in their life, and then have faith that my message will reach its intended target…those people I am here to serve. How do you cope with IMPOSTOR SYNDROME? |
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