4/27/2018 1 Comment GATE 61 - THE GATE OF MYSTERYBY DAVIDIAN LYON The 61st Gate , in the Head Center, is the GATE OF MYSTERY and any Gates belonging to the Head Center or the Root Center, for that matter, means that they are pressure Gates.
So the 61st Gate is a mental pressure Gate, focused on the Individual mutative process….the pressure to have an original, mutative thought or concept, and the pressure to know the unknown. There is a tremendous pressure here TO KNOW, which is different from UNDERSTANDING (observing and projecting logical formulas and patterns) or SENSING (based on what you know of the past or have experienced in the past). Knowing is just instant knowing. Like a download, it just appears without that same mental prep work. The name of this Gate is INNER TRUTH and something we know about Individual knowing is that it operates in pulses, meaning that there is no knowing until the knowing occurs, and in the meantime, there is melancholy. It’s like: nothing… nothing… nothing… EUREKA!… nothing… nothing… nothing… EUREKA! The challenge here, is that if one is not operating correctly, by following their Strategy & Authority, this pressure to know the unknown can become the potentially obsessive, crazy-making pursuit of knowing the unknowable, so much so, that one may be so driven to learn esoteric truths that they can not function well in society or in exoteric (everyday external) reality. One can become so trapped or hooked into solving such riddles that they miss seeing the world for what it really is, have difficulty with their feet being in 2 worlds and functioning well in both… often with the difficulty being with the more material 3D reality. Over 70% of the population have this Center Undefined and we know that the NOT-SELF behavior of the Undefined Head Center is to be pre-occupied by thinking about things that do not matter or not necessarily things that are correct for you to think about (beyond simply musings). We also know that an Undefined Center, when in the aura of one with that same Center Defined, absorbs and amplifies those energies, so for those with Gate 61 in an Undefined Head Center (also known as a Dormant 61), there are likely times when suddenly there’s an amplified pressure to know the unknowable and it may become overwhelming with no real or consistent way of dealing with it (like one who has a Defined Head Center can, who may have grown accustomed to this “condition” and has a consistent way of dealing with that pressure). So if you’re one who has Gate 61 in an Undefined Center, this need to know could become this inner conundrum that keeps turning over and over,occupying your thoughts and then, when you are outside the vicinity or radius of that Defining influence, it stops and you may wonder what your obsession was all about and why you were so fixated on knowing that whatever it is. There is peace once more, at least temporarily, from that pressure. Just another dynamic to become more aware of … and another GREAT reason to sleep in your own space, so that you are not up at night spinning your wheels trying to solve the mysteries of the universe (particularly, in this case, if your partner is Defining your Head Center and you have Gate 61). Who has GATE 61 in an Undefined Head Center and what has been your experience?
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4/27/2018 0 Comments GATE 48: THE GATE OF DEPTHBY DAVIDIAN LYON If you have this Gate (Gate 48) in the Splenic Center, it is called the Gate of Depth. There may always be a feeling that you “don’t know enough yet” which could keep you from stepping fully into your leadership. People with this Gate know A LOT about MANY things, but feel resistant to share publicly, because they never feel like they know enough and don’t want to feel unprepared and without Gate 16 at the other end (not having the full 48-16 Channel) may fear that don’t have the skills to express that great depth of theirs.
That feeling does not go away, though, regardless of how many attunements or certifications you get, so it’s going to be something you need to work with. Of course it is a good idea to be prepared, but there’s a line between how much preparation is needed versus your never feeling quite ready because of your Gate 48. Who here has GATE 48 (just Gate 48 – without Gate 16 at the other end)? I think we can probably all agree that these are super intense times for all of us. Bringing some awareness to the chaos and the madness going on around us…and more importantly within us, can add a buffer of calm and consciousness and mitigate some of the turmoil many of us are feeling or reeling from.
Although you may not be seeing utter bedlam outside your window, with people running amok or going berserk, we can perhaps see and feel the emotional upheaval that has been ramping up inside our neighbors, ourselves and in our loved ones. The astrological/astronomical weather on Monday, does not JUST include a solar eclipse, but also involves Mars becoming conjunct with the sun. Mars, named after the Roman god of war, not the candy bar, possesses fierce and fiery symbology, so from a personal perspective, you may be feeling many emotions stirring and not necessarily the warm and fuzzy ones. Intense mood swings involving some uncomfortable feelings of anger, aggression, and combativeness, may regrettably be more easily expressed or at least coming to the forefront. Pressure and provocation are certainly in our midst. This is an intrinsically powerful time, and dealing with this force is a process that requires our awareness and our tools, so that we act and react to this energy in healthy and emotionally intelligent ways. This event, that’s 3 days away, is heralding in a New Age, and asking us to take a good look at our individual and collective past. We’re moving, so the question is what do we want to pack and what should we leave behind? The Industrial Age, which brought industry to its apex, ushered in the development of big business, corporate power, massive financial systems including sophisticated money exchanges (credit/manage/loans etc), stronger government, and a more homogenized educational system. In the Human Design perspective, this occurred in the peak of what was called the Era of Planning, that we’ve been in for the last 2,000 years. Indeed, there were many technological and innovative advances in a myriad of areas, but much of this “progress” came with a heavy price tag. Coincidentally, Pluto is making its completion into Aquarius in 2025 or so. This hasn’t happened for 230 years. From the Human Design perspective, 237 years ago, we moved from a 7-centered being (7 Chakra system) to the 9-centered being (Human Design 9 centered system). The final heralding of the new age for Human Design, and our imminent mutation, is in 2027, which coincides with Pluto completing its cycle into Aquarius. 2027, numerologically, is master number 11 and, as such, is bringing in a higher frequency, pushing us towards a more evolved consciousness, the birthing of the Christ Consciousness, the way of lovingkindness, and a shared knowing that we are all one and in this together. When we hurt anyone, we hurt ourselves. The Solar Eclipse is a foreshadowing of the time that is coming. So, as the moon or the subconscious completely covers the sun (as the shadow blots out the light), we might experience the intensity and urgency of the past re-emerging from the invisible deep to be seen, processed, cleared, and released. Our past shadows or fears, that are so in our face, that we cannot easily submerge or repress them again in the murky watery deep of our individual our collective unconscious. This can also appear in the form of our inner dialogue advising us that we can’t do something or we have to remain in the pattern we are familiar with. Old emotional garbage, that is taking up too much space in our consciousness, is coming up to be sorted, cleared, and released for the new. We are being prepared to make room for something bigger. The New Age to come in the Human Design perspective is the Era of the Individual. A time where we will need to understand our unique selves and not look to others to determine what is right for us or abdicate our decision-making process to those people we think know more than us. Moving away from hero-worshipping, we must empower our own uniqueness, our own decision-making process and power within. The homogenized, cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approaches will fail us and if we don’t know how to make decisions, as ourselves, our minds will run amok and make us super nuts! LOL! Just look around. In the world of business, we will find that institutional knowledge will become less helpful or reliable. Empowering and celebrating the unique gifts that each individual contributes, is what is called for and how we will tap into our abundance, with more emphasis on connection and bonding. What a powerful time! So put on your shades, buckle up, process (y)our past and step powerfully into YOURSELF, so you can be that steady beacon for others who are feeling disoriented. Let them see your light in the darkness. 7/24/2017 0 Comments STRATEGY & AUTHORITYThe Human Design system can be A LOT all at once, because this rabbit hole just goes deeper and deeper. GOING SLOWLY and first just focusing on your STRATEGY & AUTHORITY (S&A), and chilling here for a bit before blasting off , is the WAY TO GO.
S & A are your strong foundation. They are your form and stance in a martial arts sense. To continue using martial arts as a metaphor, you would not try to kick, before you had the proper balance to even stand. It’s the difference between living wisely with this wisdom and it remaining an intellectual pursuit that stays in the mind and never reaches your body. Your mind would like nothing better than for that to happen, since it knows implementing this intel spells its eviction from LEADING/DIRECTING your life. It makes perfect sense why you’d want to know everything about your chart right now. This intel can be like a MINDFIRE…or possibly the biggest craving you ever had, because it explains so very much about us. It’s like a tall glass of pristine water to someone who has been travelling parched in a desert, so it’s easy to understand why you want to know EVERYTHING about your chart right away. Human Design and The Gene Keys, another amazing system we will also be discussing in our monthly support group, along with the other intel we will be discussing…will be information you’ll be thinking about for the rest of your life. You can’t unring this bell. Right now, every one is dialed up to 22 For me, it felt like a light source activating. A switch turned on. It’s acts as a balm for the mind. It’s so validating. There’s this great softening that occurs, through this influx of self-love and self-compassion streaming in, that comes from seeing our chart and TRULY RECOGNIZING OURSELVES, maybe for the first time! Beyond that, is the real compassion we can have for all other people, as we see just how different we are all wired to be and how easy it can be to get caught up in who we aren’t, through our Undefined Centers, and the MIND’S perpetual desire vortex of wanting this and that! If you don’t start experiencing epiphanies, synchronicities, and quite interesting happenstances, just by focusing on (let’s say at least 90%) Strategy & Authority, I’d be really surprised! Going slowly is the fastest way to good results! May your radical transformation be gentle and may your good results amplify with ease and grace. 7/17/2017 0 Comments THE INDIVIDUAL TRIPIndividuals are not typically “joiners” and it’s often difficult to stick around in one group too long. We ARE mostly DEAF to outside influence, and when the Tribe sees that you are not really adopting their ways or “drinking the Kool-aid”, they prefer that you move on. The only Channel that really has an opportunity to mutate the TRIBE is the 25-51. It’s the Channel that connects the EGO (Heart Center) with the SELF (G Center). Just as a Family Tree needs more branches, lest it become incestuous, the Tribe also needs fresh blood, so it can evolve, but it does so reluctantly. In order for even the chance of this to occur, beyond the 25-51 Mutant having, of course, followed their Strategy & Authority, they must take gutsy approaches in their full-on uniqueness with panache and EMPOWER the Tribe in some fundamental way. So in other words, these people can TRANSFORM entire organizations.
Now, in most cases, Individuals are not trying to mutate the entire Tribe, just individual Tribe members, which you do not need to be a 25-51 to do… but it comes back to Individuals not liking to stick around too long in the same group, because it gets stale, and Tribal people do not really dig the Individual’s seeming flightiness. We do tend to move around quite a bit and experience several different tribes and/or modalities, picking up various skills, mind-hacks, and spiritual epiphanies, along the way. Individuals make the Tribe feel uneasy. You see, the Tribe has much different wiring. For them, it’s ALL about joining! The Tribe wants you to get with THEIR program and when you are an Individual, you have your own trip. It can be very lonely and, for MANY Individuals, that desire for companionship and that sense of belonging can be VERY strong, but anytime an Individual goes down that road, and suppresses their uniqueness to belong, it’s even more excruciating than the loneliness. Just ask any BLACK SHEEP (INDIVIDUAL) of the family (TRIBE). I have 4 Individual Channels and 1 Tribal Channel, but it’s not the 25-51. That’s Raquel. Keep in mind the notion that the BLACK IN YOUR CHART is WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE and it moves on after you perish, but the RED in your chart is WHO and HOW YOU ARE MEANT TO LIVE THIS LIFETIME. The RED does not move on. Its sole trajectory is the end of your life. My Human Design sifu put it this way, THE BLACK IN YOUR CHART (WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE) is like a tiny red balloon flying on top of a freight train, thinking its in charge of where the train is headed, and that freight train is YOUR DESIGN (your body).
You may recognize the qualities of your BLACK Gates and Channels and usually less so of your RED Gates and Channels. However, your friends and loved ones may see those RED qualities, that you may be unaware of. You see LIFE HAPPENS without our involvement. It’s predestined to a huge extent (who you are meant to be in this life) and we have just enough power to screw it up for ourselves, by not living CORRECTLY (based on our chart) and, as a result, thwarting the universe’s efforts to provide abundantly. We suffer the consequences, by not operating according to our Aura Type or by making decisions with our mind, instead of from the infallible intelligence that is our AUTHORITY. As we can see by looking at each other’s charts, LIVING CORRECTLY is vastly different from one person to the other. May we all live correctly! It’s comes out as “FREAK” when you were not invited to share your thoughts, but you caved to the pressure to share anyway, because you know your insight is golden, but as soon as the vision hits your tongue, the words spill out clumsily and you fail to capture your brilliant notion.
It sure was brilliant when it lived in your head, but try to share it when not invited and it’s like words turn against you, they abandon you, and leave you to fend for yourself, with a limited, blunt vocabulary. It feels like you are under water! Oh the heart-aching torture, struggling to articulate that epiphany, when your frequency is fuzzy, because you’re off your radio station and into the Static Zone. Who has experienced this? You know how you know, that you are dialed in, and about to say something that has the potential to mutate the way something is done or bring significantly higher levels of efficiency to a project or system or get them to see how to do things in a whole new way that could change their life? You know because you followed your S & A. You waited and STFU’d and trusted that you would be called on by the right people. As a result, the right people totally got you and were mutated by what you proferred. You rocked it! Who has experienced THIS? What’s fascinating is that even the quality of the frequency of your voice is different when you are invited versus not invited. When not invited, it can be difficult for even you to listen to. See if you start to notice how your voice sounds coming out of your mouth when you are invited versus when you are not. Particularly you can tell in a recording of yourself. Not many people like to hear themselves in general, but a 43-23 listening to themselves giving advice that was not invited, is excruciating! But when invited to share their insight, 43-23s are often surprised by the stuff they know. The following is a comment that applies to INDIVIDUAL CIRCUITRY, in general. The more Individuality you have in your chart, the more DEAF you are to what people say to you. Like ADD level, deafness You are wired this way for your protection, because you are not here to be influenced. You are here to mutate others, tribes, systems…etc. INDIVIDUALS are the Wild Card. The Deux Ex Machina(s). Along with my 1 TRIBAL CHANNEL, I have 4 INDIVIDUAL CHANNELS (43-23, 34-10, 14-2, and 39-55) so yes, it takes a bit to get through to me I’m not here to be influenced. Interestingly, individuals really don’t influence other Individuals, rather they empower them (or not)…Empowering other individuals to live out their own individuality. As long as they stay empowering to one another, a trust may develop. Individuals, who is that person you can trust to empower you, without trying to influence you? Hope this was more so on the Genius side of the spectrum. BY RAQUEL REYNA There is a journey here for the Projector, in regards to THE INVITATION, and unfortunately, the invitation doesn’t typically arrive in a sealed envelope (although I am not saying that can never happen).
As a Projector, we may start out with this experiment thinking that waiting is almost impossible, or even painful. We live in a world where the majority of everyone (70% of the population) is moving full speed ahead, doing doing doing, hustling, making things happen, working harder, and putting demands on us to get things done. As a Projector, though, this way of working is not right for us… it’s even dangerous. We really need to dial into and trust our unique process of working in the world. Yet for most of the world, and most Projectors on the planet, you will absolutely find yourself getting swept up in the energy of POWER HOUSE, PEDAL TO THE METAL DOING, because unfortunately this is still the dominant way of the world. However, we are beginning to realize that when we overwork, particularly in a direction that we don’t enjoy, we enter a sort of imprisonment or enslavement. Generators can sustain doing disempowering work for longer periods and survive the experience with greater health, but eventually even they will find themselves totally frustrated, burned out, with a possible looming health crisis. As Projectors, we are conditioned to work and keep up with the rest of the world, so we do, and because of our openness, we actually absorb this work force energy and we amplify it, thinking we have tons of energy, when we are actually running on fumes and heading towards total, can’t get out of bed, exhaustion. Projectors who don’t understand the mechanics of their aura type, work longer, harder, faster, and are usually more productive. Of course, they may become ill, burned out, find themselves suffering with chronic fatigue, or just drop dead at age 60, but they will very likely continue, barring having this knowledge of themselves, to seek to match the Generator’s work pace. The Projector dilemma is how do we effectively work, create businesses, pay our bills and compete in a world where working harder and longer is the order of the day? Well, let’s just say this… here is what happens when a Projector does not follow their Strategy, which is to WAIT TO BE RECOGNIZED and INVITED TO SHARE THEIR GIFTS/INSIGHT. People simply will not see you. They will ignore your insights. Or people may see your genius, but steal your ideas, thinking they can take the insight and do it better. Or you talk and share your insight, but they don’t process what you just said, and later on, when your words or ideas pop into their consciousness, they think the idea just came to them…. that it was their unique insight. People will often literally pass you up, or not hire you, even though you know you can serve and help them immensely. Projectors have a deep penetrating insight and an uncanny knowing about what is right for the other, (this is what you are designed for) and you just try to tell them…and if they don’t listen, you might talk more or louder, but this just makes it worse. Uninvited Projectors come across and needy and whiney and that frequency is VERY uncomfortable to be around. It pushes others away and leads to more experiences of bitterness. You feel this pressure to make people understand, to make people hear you. There’s a nagging, aching energy for your wisdom to be recognized. You know you have so much to say, to share, so much genius to offer…and yet when you go to DO something, it sort of backfires. Things just don’t work out for you…like they do for everyone else. It’s during these moments that you question your place in the Universe, wondering why THEY have results and you don’t. Why isn’t anyone reading MY posts, listening to MY podcasts, or watching MY videos? Why is it harder to get MY business off the ground? Slowly but surely, an often very disturbing bitterness develops. Or you just jump back into the workforce or follow the suggested strategies of the coaching gurus. You continue to work for it and strive, and might even have some success, if you push hard enough, but in addition to massively burning you out (like way more tired than everyone else), your results won’t FEEL successful or fruitful. So, now you learn about HUMAN DESIGN, you learn about your particular Strategy and what it means to WAIT. You think, “Well, alright, I’ll experiment with this” and you continue to TRY to wait…and you wait. But then panicky confusion overcomes you and you’re like, “How the heck can I pay my f-ing bills for goodness sakes…how long is it going to take for this invitation…and what is this invitation anyway?” Your MIND questions your Strategy. It nags you and begs you to just get on with making it happen and forget this nonsense. Oftentimes, you’ll justify or creatively interpret this or that…”It looks close enough like an invitation to me”. You might do this many times, until you finally decide to take this seriously and quiet your mind, so you can actually become still, and WAIT. You sit down and watch. Your feelers go out. See who is noticing you. See who is asking for your insight and what are they asking about? Because YOU KNOW A LOT. During this period of waiting, you master a craft or a system. It’s ACTIVE WAITING. You become a master…not a complainer. You wait, and sometimes you wait longer than you even believe is humanly possible. But, when you do this, the Universe will take care of you and money does show up, and high-end clients do ask for your insight and you will be supported and recognized. To wait for the Invitation…it seems simple enough…But it is not easy. It can take far longer than you expect and many people in your community or family will probably not understand. If you are in a corporate environment, they definitely won’t. But doing this gives you the opportunity to BECOME who you were designed to be. It is also very important that you understand that you are also here to invite and to recognize others. You will feel this recognition in your body, slowly beginning to recognize what you need, and who/what is right for you! If you understand your chart and your life force, then you will see if someone can truly recognize you for who you really are. Because when someone genuinely recognizes your genius, and shows up to hear your insight, your brilliance shines, you light up, you animate with energy and you get to live your success. Here is the cosmic joke…in business, both small and large businesses, the Projector is designed to be the Alpha. The leader or director of the business. The Projector is designed to see what needs to be done, how to do it most efficiently, and which roads will lead to faster success. Having said that, even if a Projector is invited in, they still must be careful to manage their energy and only work a few hours a day. This is why mastering a system is so important. Specialists and consultants can get away with working fewer hours and make good money doing such. When you get invited for a particular business or opportunity, and are seen and recognized by the right people, you will feel seen, and recognized and you will KNOW SUCCESS! The proper invitation might take a while, but like a great wine, it is well worth the wait. One more note. When I first found out I was a Projector, all of my friends would say things like…I invite you to sell your program, I invite you to do this, or do that…trust me…I wish it worked that way. But it truly doesn’t. Waiting for the Invitation is an initiation of sorts. It’s a journey of deep DEEP DEEP trust, DEEP surrender…it’s a moving away from the pain of overworking and bitterness into a life that just feels right. Don’t let your mind screw that up for you. Live correctly, based on your aura mechanics. Experiment. The Projector is still the most misunderstood Type and can go an entire lifetime feeling ignored, burned out, and bitter. Our day has not quite arrived. Can you imagine the CEO of a large corporation leading, directing, but only showing up 3 hours a day. It’s not likely to show up in our collective culture just yet, but we are here to lead the way. You have an important part to play. So Generators, recognize us and invite us to be ourselves. 6/14/2017 0 Comments MY CHILDHOOD POVERTY STORYBY RAQUEL REYNA So, every time I failed, every broken relationship or failed leadership attempt…it all led me back to the same story…my childhood… well, my junior year in High School particularly.
No, not really poverty, but poverty-minded. We were very suburban middle class, but from my perspective…there was truly never enough “comparitively”. My dad was an optometrist. He had his own offices which would also make him an entrepreneur running two businesses. And as an entrepreneur, sometimes he had cash…but sometimes not. My mom would sit, over the bills, in her night gown, at the kitchen table slouched over, hands encircling her face, crying. Can you picture that? We drove old beat up cars and our house…well, let’s just say ’twas the smallest and least kept up one, on the block… It really bothered me, because quite simply I could never afford the latest jewelry or sunglasses trends. It was the year of the Raybans. It wasn’t exactly teen-friendly timing. Anyway, I presume I can cut out the whole explanation of what it’s like to be a teenager trying to fit in at High School. LOOKING BACK from my current vista, I did have enough. We were fine. I had gymnastics, plenty of dinners out…but when comparing to my friends…I never had what they had, so I felt poor. My socks always had holes in them and when I asked for new stuff, my parents flat out said, “No, we can’t afford it”. So the feelings I had deep down were a real thing and they insidiously remained there as part of my story. In high school, my dad lost both of his offices. His story was that LensCrafters drove the small guy out of business…I don’t know…this could be true. Both of my siblings had already gone to college and my Mom was now working full-time as a social worker. At home, it was just me and my dad. My dad was in bed most of the day. He was there when I left for school and there when I came home… still in bed. I was ashamed and embarrassed for him. About him. I felt my Father’s failure as my own. See, in high school, I wanted to hide the bizarre behavior of my houseHOLD and just tried my best to smile, act normal, and have an extraordinary, lively high school life. I was the cheerleader. A popular one. I had friends, joy, fun, a baseball player boyfriend…but then coming home to a dad in bed…100lbs over weight, wasn’t too fun for me. I just wasn’t equipped with the right tools, at the time, to properly integrate and process that, with a good result and in a loving manner. And this time, in my life, although I didn’t know it then, would come to define me and greatly impact my later years like a boomerang… See, I was daring out of college and in me was a born creative entrepreneur. I really believed in myself. I traveled around the world. Right out of college, I lived in a mansion in Rome for 6 Months. I was shown the good life immediately and I wasn’t afraid to live my dreams…but as success came, trauma would follow. This inability to hold on to money or success in my later years, even with self-help and spiritual development, would lead me back to my real high school CRUSH, this crushing feeling of poverty consciousness. I can see now the significant impact it had on me of seeing my dad in bed, his having had two failed businesses, a very problematic binge-eating disorder of some kind, and his untreated, undiagnosed depression and anxiety. This impressionable time in my life was date stamped… an imprinting of my male father figure in failure and I couldn’t find my way out of the pattern. Sure, I also had successes. Many of them. But after big money and powerful experiences of standing in my own leadership, inevitably it would get crumbled to the ground after some crisis. There were some wacky extremities looking back. Great ups and downs. Yes, I healed. Yes, I did a lot of processing… years of meditation and a serious, diligent spiritual practice, doing a multitude of healing work and veraciously devouring self-help books and yet I still never quite felt that I had as much success, money, or prestige as the next guy. I felt deep down that I was poor. I was the poor kid and my Dad’s failed business venture felt like the first thing on my Resume. I knew I carried that with me, so behind my successes…I felt inadequate. I learned so many systems and dug so deeply in my quest to discover myself. I would have some break-throughs and years of growth, but something financially shocking would happen and I’d turn around to notice a pile up of debt or another failed business venture and yet, I still believed there had to be a way to fully lift this poverty consciousness once and for all. I knew there was something that would help and I sought it out with a vigor. I wanted so desperately to be free of this burden and finally step into freedom. So when I launched my new program and slowly began selling higher end VIP programs to clients, I knew I needed serious support. Because the idea of charging high end prices, which I was guided/coached to do by my mentor, caused me…you guessed it…SHAME. How do these women entrepreneurs do it so effortlessly? I read their emails…. “make a million a year in your first year”, charging 25k for their mastermind programs. Don’t misunderstand me, I do believe in the ability to bring that level of transformation, as I strive to do for my clients… bringing them that level of valuable intel. But how do THEY do it so easily?….at least it appeared to me that it was easy for them. Chances are they didn’t have shameful father figures, they didn’t come from poverty or shocking business loss… no not them… that was me. My cross to bear. I eventually decided that I would not let the mindset piece be a hindrance any longer. So I tried everything—I hired everyone!! I used meditation, past life regression… I even had a psychic clear away all of my blocks from the Akashic Records …but I think the thing that actually moved and lifted the energy, was the hypnosis…. As you step into a new dream, there is a gap. A place of void, moving from where you are, to where you want to be. So right after you leap into a new project, such as starting a new biz or beginning your launch, which can welcome back and greenlight your doubt and your limited beliefs to come creep back in, you must have the right tools in place to help guard you against the PANIC and the inevitable CIRCLE BACK that recreates the same self-sabotaging dynamic that you had sought to escape. That all to familiar Ground Hog Day sensation of leaping across the chasm from one ledge to another and finding yourself on the same ledge that you thought you’d left. A mind can be a wonderful thing that allows one to plan, daydream, hypothesize, muse and measure, but it can also be a maximum security prison that keeps people stuck in realities they just aren’t satisfied with. Now I believe in spiritual awakening, allowing your life to unfold, and being the witness as life takes shape, but I also know that your childhood has a very funny way of defining your reality. You can imagine a child, who witnessed something traumatic or something too adult for a child to properly process, without having the benefit of a wise guardian, at the time, to help the child understand what it is that they saw or experienced, would record the event with that child’s limited understanding and interpretation. This narrow understanding and interpretation is recorded and protected within the psyche. It does not, without careful examination, evolve with the child’s consciousness. This initial imprint or recording does not get erased, but it can be recorded over with the help of connecting with your inner child and helping them to understand what they saw and experienced. This does not automatically occur, just because you know better now. So in essence, if you are still struggling with poverty consciousness, of any kind, I recommend a couple of things: One. Don’t judge yourself. You have great power within you that beats your heart and pumps your blood and can be used to transform any circumstance. So if you still have a persistent little problem of financial lack, debt, fear, inability to invest or clients that just don’t have enough money… which regularly rears its ugly head…then having a go-to meditation you can plug into at times of NEED IS KEY! If you suffer from ‘not enough syndrome’, do yourself a favor, and when you begin the next project, step into abundance and put your meditation or uplifting exercises in the forefront and DO NOT let old doubt in! If you are wondering why you can’t sell or get out of a pattern or if poverty follows you, be kind and gentle on yourself…smoothing the deep grooves in your psyche is difficult, disciplined work and can be intense. Most people never change!! But YOU can!! My little secret sauce to overriding the ol’ “I’m not enough”, “I can’t make anything happen”, “I don’t make enough to invest”, “my clients never buy my high end VIP programs”, “I am not qualified”, “I can’t get out of my situation”, “I have no money”, “I will never succeed”, “I am not good enough, smart enough, or I don’t know enough”…that I see far too many people still struggle in…are the tools I put together for you in this amazing absolutely GO TO program for mastering your MINDSET!! So, if you feel you need more than a mantra, a meditation, or your chakras aligned, and seek some serious brain re-wiring, a new synaptic path out of Dodge, you might need to call in the big guns, because up-leveling your monthly income is serious business and mindset plays a key role in your success! Shifting a paradigm is a full-time job. With each step in my business, with each growth spurt, there was a slow deliberate action to overcome the childhood mindset of poverty. It takes action, mindset rewiring, and business tools that work. But, it is possible! If I can do it, so can you! The Mystical Mindset Power Boost program will put it ALL into (a new) perspective. I recommend taking the time to do the INNER work. Don’t allow your poverty consciousness to grab ahold of your success or sabotage your business venture again!! When you’re an entrepreneur, you need support, tried and true tools, a daily ritual, and an ability to recognize your strengths and face your weaknesses. It’s tough enough without having your subconscious working against you! Why not give your subconscious the shift it needs and have the proper inner support to enjoy lasting success?!! May this be your year of sustained new growth. Many Blessings!! Raquel 6/14/2017 0 Comments ODE TO THE PERFECT MOMENTBY DAVIDIAN LYON This is an ode to the perfect moment, which is ALWAYS Right NOW. When we imagine our timeline, we picture a PAST that happened before NOW and a FUTURE that happens after NOW, but it’s ALWAYS NOW.
We may perceive our collective NOWs existing on a timeline filled with past NOWs and future NOWs? But what if that’s not how it is? What if now exists separately from our timeline, not as anchored down as you think. As you contemplate NOW and consider it, is your NOW colored by what just happened to you and further back? A story you tell yourself (made more real with neurotransmitters and brief flashing images) that explain your mood, your circumstances, and your plans for what’s to come. What if that story you are carrying is a fiction and no more real than dream memories? Stay with me. How would you feel about your future (or what is going to come next for you), if what just happened to you was the most amazing thing you have ever experienced? How would that affect the possibilities/ probabilities of what happens next to you versus whatever story you currently hold for what just happened to you or further back? If the ABSOLUTELY MOST AMAZING THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO YOU JUST HAPPENED, how/what would you be feeling right now? Would your heart be smiling? Would you be beaming with love and gratitude? How would your mindset benefit if you tried the following thought experiment? Right NOW, instead of being anchored to your timeline and tethered to a story of what you went through, endured, or overcame… visit a pararllel future, where everything is nearly identical in your life and environment, except that the ABSOLUTELY MOST AMAZING THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO YOU JUST HAPPENED. FEEL WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE, LIVE IN THAT MOMENT, and BRING THAT BACK WITH YOU, along with your deep gratitude for all of the blessings in your life, that you may not sacredly recognize or contemplate too often. Thank the Universe for ALL of the gifts that’ve been bestowed to you, including the ABSOLUTELY MOST AMAZING THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO YOU HAVING JUST HAPPENED. Hold that love in your heart, for as long as you can. This helps make room for more to appreciate. And as Raquel has said before, WHAT YOU APPRECIATE APPRECIATES. The Universe has your back, but you need to do your part in keeping your frequency clean. Mindful frequency etiquette raises your vibration and like attracts like. Please let me know how this works for you. You are so blessed! You really are, but it’s up to you to edit your story into something you’d want to read. |
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